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Bicycle Accessories for Safety - Bike Flags, Helmets & More

Posted: 4-25-14 | Parker Flags

May is National Bike month and we’re gearing up to help people across the country increase bicycle safety through sales our bike flags, and by spreading the word about bicycle safety accessories.

There are a lot of bicycle accessories that can be used to improve the safety of the rider. The most common is a helmet, but other visual accessories like lights, reflectors and reflective clothing are often used to increase the visibility of a biker. If you’re riding in a particularly urban setting, another accessory that can help make you more visible to cars and other vehicles is a bike flag.

Bike flags help other drivers see you and come in a variety of bright colors to further increase visibility. In addition to attaching a flag directly to you bike, if you are pulling a trailer, like the ones often used to transport children, you should attach the bike flag directly to the trailer. Children’s trailers are lower to the ground which could make it harder for some vehicles to see them.

There are many other great bicycle accessories that riders use. Mirrors, bells and horns are all great ways for a biker to both be aware of vehicles and make sure vehicles are aware of them. They are also excellent for use on trails or paths where there is a lot of additional biking, walking or running traffic.

Last but not least, you want to protect yourself while you’re out riding so make sure to wear sunglasses, and bug spray, and bring a water bottle! Staying hydrated is an important safety practice whether you’re out in the city or in the country.

Be sure to check out our Bicycle Safety Infographic for more great tips on how to stay safe!